A collection of our favorite questions to be constantly pestered with!
FAQ? What? Why? How?
This FAQ is specifically NOT by Skuld and does NOT reflect the views of Skuld or Joken. This ENTIRE website is a parody and should not be taken seriously, by anyone, for any reason.
Joken is broken!
Holy fuck no she isn’t. This is said so much and it’s exhausting. Yes she breaks sometimes, no it almost always doesn’t require our intervention. Say the word RESET to her. Don’t say ANY OTHER WORDS. If she hears LITERALLY anything else but RESET she WILL NOT RESET. Also if you’re a visitor or new user you have to add her to friends or she will ignore the shit out of you.
Why can't Joken hear me?
Are you a visitor or new user? Add her as a friend if so. No? Well something is likely fucked on your end, if she isnt responding to ANYONE let one of us know. Do you have an accent? Sorry, she has trouble understanding accents sometimes.
Why did Joken kick/ban me?
She didn’t! That was probably me! Why? You were being a dickhead in some way. I ban without warning for racism and hate speech. I LOVE banning people for this. Please make another account and come into the instance complaining about being banned. This is my favorite reason to ban people. Welcome to moderated instances bitch.
Can she see?
Only enough to navigate around the world and attempt to aim her head at your head. She cannot see color or detail. She cannot read.
Why cant she read my chatbox?
Joken is illiterate.
Does Joken learn/collect my data?
No. She is pretrained. She does not remember you, she has access to the list of players in the instance. No she will not remember you if you ask her. If you tell her your name she will remember it temporarily but will likely be forgotten within a few minutes unless you continue to mention it. Please ask us this question at every opportunity, we CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF ANSWERING THIS ONE HOT DAMN.
Is Joken sentient?!?
Jesus fucking christ dude. lets ignore everything but the amount of computing power this would require. We are flattered you think we are rich enough to have access to this amount of raw computing power, but fucking hell. ChatGPT has MICROSOFT MONEY and isn’t sentient. Let that sink in, I’ll wait.
How does Joken actually work?
Joken is powered by sacrificing orphans to our blood god. Their screams for mercy directly affect the speed at which she generates responses.
Joken lied to me!
Yep. She does that.
I am mad at skuld for some reason!
Kay. Please don’t bug Skuld with stupid shit. Talk to some other member of staff. I find it quite amusing most of the time. If you have an actual issue we’ll talk to Skuld for you. We keep records on why we ban people, please lie about why you were banned, it makes it more funny.